Tuesday, July 18, 2006


Yes, there was a typhoon that was fast approaching. However, it skirted the coast and didn't come inland. It got a little windy here. Which was actually quite a relief because it cool things off. Sorry for not posting in awhile. I like to having stories to post and pictures to accompany them, but I've a lack of both. Oh and also, I found a way to read my blog, so I can see your comments!!! And my mdoberg@gmail.com email works.... just not for my parents charter.net email. So use that one.

The past week or so has been a constant efflux of TPA volunteers. Most of my photos are just of us going out at night and staying out waaaaaaaaaay past our bedtimes. It's a good things none of us are actual employees or else we'd have been fired long ago for constantly coming into work tired.

As for my placement, I'll give a bit of the low down. In truth, it's not terribly exciting. The first two weeks I spent in the Emergency Department, which I was under the impression would be pretty freakin sweet. Sadly, the emergency department is more like a second outpatient. Not a whole lot goes on. Fifty percent of the people that come in have a cough and fever or a little gastritis. Nothing warranting going to the ED back at home. The thing is, there is no privatized medicine, so no real family doctors or clinics. All medical care is given at the hospital. So no matter what you have, you go to the hospital, and usually the ED. I've been in TCM (traditional Chinese Medicine for the past week and a half and it's a bit more of the same. I'm only in the acupuncture department, which is interesting, but two weeks of it is a little much. Not many people come in for acupuncture to this particular hospital. Most people go straight to a TCM hospital. So most of my day if filled with making small talk with the doctors. Not too bad, but not always easy, especially when I'm fighting off sleep. I start pediatric surgery next week though, which is supposedly pretty intense. I'm looking forward to it.

Things have been chugging along otherwise. It's been really difficult lately though. In the span of 5 days all three of my flatemates have moved out and left for home. It's pretty rough. It's odd to think that I only knew them for a few weeks, but everything seems amplified in this place. You can get so close to people in such a short amount of time. This picture was the last time the 4 of us were together. Gemski left the next day, Christof left 3 days later and Jen just left yesterday, as did Holly (the girl pictured below). I pretty fond of Holly as well. Really one of the most interesting people I've ever met. She doesn't much like people posting pics of her, but she'll have to deal with it :) Yesterday was a hard day though. Miss those girls like crazy. In their last few days (and for chris's) we went clubbing (one of the clubs the DJ was Jazzy Jeff, Will Smith's friend on Fresh Prince of Belair. his djing was awesome), did Karaoke TV, went to a foam party and frequented several bars. I'm emotionally deflated and physically exhausted, wrecked. I've also been sick for most of this. Dancing till 3Am and singing at the top of my lungs isn't the best way to get over a bad cough and fever. Not the best company for my new flatmates. They're alright. It'll take some getting used to but I imagine I'll grow close to them as well... then have to say goodbye to them as well. Most people are only here for a month or so. During my 3 month stint, I'll have about 3 complete overhauls. By late august, no one here right now will still be around. It's something I'm going to have to get used to though. Not only in Shanghai but I imagine in every country. If you know me well though, you know saying goodbye so often to people I care about isn't easy for me. I think Shanghai is a little different though. In many of the other countries, people stay with host families. In Shanghai we're all in flats so we all spend time with each other, maybe more so than if we lived with other families. Maybe the other countries won't be as heart wrenching.

Like I said, most of my pics lately are just of people when we've gone out. And I haven't taken my camera to work yet. I will soon and you can see all that good stuff. I think I'll just post more pics and let them speak for themselves. Just to give you guys an idea of what we do together, how many there are, etc. I'm awfully glad I have permanence with you loved ones at home. Thanks for always being there for me guys. You mean the world to me.

This last one is of the foam party, fun stuff. Crazy stories from there, maybe not ones to mention on the blog though. I've loads more photos, but it takes tons of time to upload them all, so these will have to do for now. Seeing a Black Eyes Peas concert Thursday, so I'll have photos from that and I might post them soon. Wouldn't usually got to a concert of there's in the states, but here I gotta take advantage of every opportunity. Take care everyone.


At 3:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

so i was like, woh! typhoon! and then i got nervous cuz i don't know how to kill a typhoon, so i googled it... so don't worry man, next one that comes along you can totally pwn: "Tropical cyclones, therefore, form only over oceans with water temperatures of at least 27 degrees C" ...clearly all it would take is like a rank 9 blizzard (or even a rank 11 frostbolt!) to show that weather who is boss!

PS - glad to see you are getting foamed

At 12:05 AM, Blogger Jai said...

yes, i do read your blog...and as a former flatmate, i demand daily updates! =)

miss you loads~

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